The Locanda Estate was Dr Joe's vision after having sojourned in Italy while earning his medical degree. His Mediterranean roots fired his passion for winemaking that began at age twelve. His medical profession demanded perfection. Upon returning to the states, finding the Locanda Estate was a perfect opportunity to create the ideallic setting to live the Mediterranean lifestyle and challenge himself to make outstanding California wine.
Learning from French Masters...Brian worked in, and later managed, several wine stores where he learned about fine wine through the captivating stories of the various purveyors. Brian spent five years in retail before moving into distribution, and it was during his time in distribution that he was approached by a friend named Francois who offered him a place to stay and a job at his Chateau in Bordeaux. His mind set on learning all he could on growing grapes and making extraordinary wine, Brian sold everything he owned and purchased a one-way plane ticket to France.
While in France Brian attended the University of Bordeaux and paid his way by working at several small Chateaux including Chateau Roquefort. He also worked harvest in Burgundy at an extremely small, craft “micro-winery” that was a real “hands-on” operation – all of the machines were literally powered by hand! Brian reveled in traveling across France and surrounding countries eating, tasting, and soaking up the old world style of winemaking that would later become the pillars of his winemaking philosophy
Having a thirst for knowledge, and while still living in France, Brian went on to attend the Wine and Spirits Educational Trust (WSET) in London.